Scheduling Tutoring Sessions

Scheduling the beginning of tutoring sessions can be confusing for the parent/ caregiver, kiddo, and the Tutor. I know from firsthand experience, it’s an adventure. For instance, you are told by your kiddo’s teacher(s) that they’re falling behind or that they could use additional support in Literacy or Numeracy skills. Now what? Prior to Scheduling…

Comparing Dr. King’s childhood to my childhood

Comparing my childhood to Dr. Martin King’s childhood. Are they similar? In our initial class discussions of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, I found it hard, with some classes, to get pass just talking about the assassination. Then I realized I needed to provide opportunities for the kiddos to make deeper connections to him as a…

Expectations – Performance = a Cracking Iceberg.

Expectations, performance, and tutoring. What were the expectations for your kiddo’s performance for the first semester? Wasn’t it just mid-October, when you received the first observational reports of your kiddo’s academic performance for the first grading cycle of the school year. The results might have been what you were anticipating, but then again, the results…

Spring Cleaning in the Fall?

I don’t know about you, but when I reach a point when I can’t find things, it’s time to clean and reorganize. I was trying to find a particular post on the site, but the link wasn’t working, it was in a strange place, and not logical at all. If I can’t find things and…

Save that Inserted Envelope and Cancelled Stamp!

WAIT DON’T RECYCLE JUST YET! We’ll take that pesky inserted envelope and your stamps! The is the perfect time of the year to replenish our Writing Station items. Here are a couple of flyers to send home to request envelopes and stamps. Second Choice The envelopes will bring authenticity to our letter writing.  It may…

Last Words Out the Door

“Make sure you learn something new today!” Those were the parting words from my Momma everyday as we would head off to school. My parents grew up in rural Louisiana in the 1950’s where not being educated meant a hard, very hard life. They experienced first hand that obtaining a thorough education was the catalyst…

Veterans Day: Resource for Branches of Service

Read the updated post Happy Veterans’ Day! I’m the proud daughter of a retired U.S. Marine. I grew up in the Corps on bases in California, Hawaii, Arizona, and North Carolina. I’ve always enjoyed explaining military life to my students. As we honor the men and women who have served our country proudly, may it…